
to my coaching website.  Here you can find out about coaching, my experience, and get some regular inspiration.


to my coaching website.  Here you can find out about my coaching, my experience, and get some regular inspiration.


Sarah will help you access your true self via yourself! She simply shows you doors you never knew you had within you.

Ollie Critchlow, coaching client

"Sarah is a very warm, very easy to talk to, happy, and a very knowledgeable coach.  I can’t see anyone who wouldn't get along with her."

Ollie Critchlow, coaching client

"We arranged a time to speak on the phone and from that moment I can genuinely say that my life has changed for the better in every sense. I am a lot more present, aware and awake to everything, so nothing seems like a chore now."

Ollie Critchlow, coaching client

“Sarah is a natural leader and an incredibly powerful coach; confident, humble and authentic. I trust Sarah completely and I know without a shadow of a doubt than when she’s coaching me she’s 100% with me and ‘all in’.

Bev Acton, coaching client

"I love the way you come at things in a way that takes me by surprise and allows me to reflect on things in a totally different way."

Inge Wilson - Coaching Client

I go where I need to go in our sessions quickly because Sarah creates and holds a safe space beautifully. Sarah really listens on all levels to what I’m saying and how I’m saying it. She has a beautiful way of holding a mirror up and showing me the bits of myself I just wouldn’t be aware of without her.

Bev Acton, coaching client

Sarah will intuitively know what I need and will email me key words or discoveries from our session. She has a wonderful way of supporting me and encouraging me right when I need it, but it’s genuine.

Bev Acton, coaching client

There’s no meaningless fluffy coaching stuff, which I can’t stand. If you want a coach who will challenge, encourage, question, support, push and transform you, then you need Sarah. I highly recommend her as a coach.

Bev Acton, coaching client

Let our own light shine

For the gazillonth time, I find myself struck afresh by Marianne Williamson’s words, made famous by Mandela. Especially the end- “And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same”… I have seen this becoming true so many times, especially on the receiving end.

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Your Energy

I believed this in theory before I went freelance, but it’s proving itself over and over again, positively and negatively. We so often underestimate how potent we are.

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To laugh often and much

I first came across these words when I was working in Guyana. At a time when I was agonising over whether I was going to do work of any use to anyone, and shouldn’t just be in a big comforting charity back home, I found its perspective very helpful indeed. AND it makes me smile …

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Over and over again this fortnight, I have been blown away by the COURAGE of my clients. Looking life steadily in the face, and daring anything… everything… And I end up back with Maya Angelou AGAIN!

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Shame Swampland

This rings out loud and clear to me- true true true. Does it resonate with anyone else?

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Imperfections are not inadequacies

I can never have enough Brene Brown. Partly because she keeps rephrasing the very things I am most likely to forget…

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